布景主題有2套, 我使用google的
Known Issues 已知的問題
You tell me 請告知
Requirements 需求
完成Unlocked and 更新韌體updated bootloader
TWRP - at least version 3.0 安裝最後一版TWRP 3.0
Features 特點
Clean LineageOS without any mods 乾淨的 LineageOS作業系統
3.4 kernel 核心版本3.4
Fully working stock camera from latest stock release 最後一版模組, 相機使用
To-do list 待修正
Fix signal jumps 信號跳躍
Installation instructions 安裝說明
Wipe system, cache and dalvik ->
進入TWRP 勾選【Dalvik/Art cache】、【System】、【Data】及【Cache】
If not flashing over a LineageOS 14.1 build, wipe data - WIPE DATA EVEN WHEN COMING FROM 3.10 KERNEL
Flash the ROM 刷入記憶體
Flash root if you want (Link) 刷入 root 工具, 如果需要
Flash GAPPS if wanted (Link, select arm, android 7.1) 刷入GAPPS google 工具模組, 如果需要
Downloads 下載版本
Build 27. 5. 2017
Build 10. 7. 2017
Build 11. 7. 2017
Build 14. 7. 2017
Build 24. 7. 2017
Build 27. 7. 2017
Build 13. 8. 2017
Build 16. 8. 2017Wait for hotfix
Build 16. 8. 2017 - hotfix
Build 7. 9. 2017
Build 7. 9. 2017 - hotfix
Build 18. 9. 2017
Build 20. 11. 2017
Build 25. 1. 2018 我用這一個
Changelog 更新日誌
Credits 感謝
tomascus - thanks mate, I wouldn't made it without you
nailyk - big thanks for all the work on sony's stock cam and for help
xkeita, rcstar6696
Donators (thanks a lot)捐贈者(非常感謝)
Klaus N.
XDA:DevDB Information
LineageOS, ROM for the Sony Xperia Z1
SuperLamic, tomascus, nailyk, rcstar6696, xkeita
Source Code: https://github.com/SuperLamic/androi...l_sony_msm8974
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.4.x
ROM Firmware Required: .236 bootloader
Based On: LineageOS
Version Information 版本訊息
Status: Testing 狀態:測試中
Created 2017-06-27 建立日期
Last Updated 2018-01- 最後版本日期