安裝說明: 手機要先root
Step 1: Download the Apk from the above links.
下載apk, copy到手機
Step 2: Using Root Explorer, Move the downloaded apk to System/App folder.
使用Root Explorer將 apk 移動到 System/App 目錄
Step 3: Change Permissions by tapping and holding the app. Make sure to set permissions to rw-r--r-- (0644)
改變apk 的屬性, 變成 rw-r--r--
Step 4: Reboot into Recovery.
從新啟動手機 (我只有做到這邊)
Step 5: Wipe Cache partition and Dalvik Cache. (Advanced > Dalvik cache)
Step 6: Reboot your phone and you'll find the app(s) automatically installed in your app tray.